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How to setup Email on Outlook

 Once you’ve chosen your email addresses and set them up with Smartgators, you will need to add them to an email program/client such as Microsoft Outlook in order to check and manage your email. You can follow the steps below to add an account to Outlook application.

  1. Launch Outlook App
  2. Select “Tools” from the Menu bar. In Outlook 2015, you can find it in "File Menu"
  3. Select Accounts Settings” . The Accounts Settings window will appear.
  4. Under the Email tab, select “New.” The “Add New E-mail Account” window appears.
  5. Choose a server type. In most instances you will use a ” Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP or HTTP” connection. If you are adding a Hotmail account, you will want to select “Other.” Click “Next.”

For More Details: Please click Here 

  • email settings, email setup, email help, outlook setup
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